You’re Right, Abigail, It’s Not Easy

As a general rule, I’m not out to hurt anyone with what I write (unless you’re a small-minded, bigoted, moron). So when I posted a story about newly minted British writer named Abigail Gibbs who, at the ripe old age of 18, received a six-figure advance for her first novel, The Dark Heroine: Dinner with a Vampire. I had no intent beyond poking a bit of fun when I posted the story to Facebook, when a snarky comment to the effect that it was wrong that someone so young be so successful so quickly.

At least I thought it was in good fun, but when the story got duplicated over to Twitter, I got an unexpected reply from the author herself. Continue reading “You’re Right, Abigail, It’s Not Easy”

Self-publishing: The Why

The decision to self-publish Human X was simple. Perhaps it was born of a little impatience. The normal procedure for publishing a book with a traditional publisher is long and the obstacles are plentiful. Not the least of which is the simple fact that publishers frown on authors who submit their work to more than one house at the same time. You can spend months and years just getting an editor to take a serious look at your work, and still not see it in print.

Continue reading “Self-publishing: The Why”

So here is what happened….

Late last year submitted a short story to Asimov’s Science Fiction. It’s called “Passing Sentence,” and I wrote it quite some time ago. I’m not sure exactly how long it’s been, but I found files in the same folder with dates reaching back to the year 2000. That can’t be right, because this is one of the last things that I completed before this year, and that would mean that I took nearly a ten-year break from writing.

Continue reading “So here is what happened….”