I Am Both a Capitalist and a Socialist

Early last month, twice-failed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared at something called the Shared Values Leadership Summit and, in a further effort to deflect blame for her defeat away from her own deficiencies as a candidate, said that the reason she lost was that she was “a capitalist” and too many Democrats are “socialists.”

In doing so, Clinton played into one of the hoariest right-wing clichés: that the Democrats are a bunch of Muslim-loving far-left Marxists who want to confiscate all the wealth and give it to “welfare queens.” Continue reading “I Am Both a Capitalist and a Socialist”

On the Issue of Gun Control

When people on the “let’s have fewer massacres in schools” side of the gun control debate talk about “common sense gun laws,” they are talking broadly about three things: universal background checks, a ban on high-capacity magazines, and a renewed ban on military assault weapons. The first two are essential, and I think I have a compromise position on the last that could make both sides the least unhappy.

Continue reading “On the Issue of Gun Control”